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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:32    点击次数:145
聚焦“三农”工作的2024年中央一号文件日前发布。今年的中央一号文件强调,要落实防止返贫监测帮扶机制,持续加强产业和就业帮扶,加大对重点地区帮扶支持力度。   Growers pick blueberries at an orchard in Rizhao, Shandong province, in June 2021. [XU CHUANBAO/FOR CHINA DAILY]   China will continue to prioritize increasing the income of rural residents and preventing them from slipping into poverty this year, as their livelihood is closely tied to the nation's social and economic development, said senior officials. 高级官员称,中国将继续强化农民增收举措,确保不发生规模性返贫,因为农民生计问题与国家的社会经济发展密切相关。   The nation unveiled its annual No 1 Central Document on Saturday, focusing on rural vitalization and food security. The document is the first policy statement released each year by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, China's Cabinet. 2月3日,国家发布了聚焦乡村振兴和粮食安全的“中央一号文件”。该文件是中共中央、国务院每年发布的第一份文件。   The document requires governments at all levels to release effective policies supporting rural household businesses, such as poultry farming and manual workshops, and promoting well-organized labor export campaigns to create more job opportunities for the group. 中央一号文件要求各级政府出台有效政策,支持农户发展家禽饲养、手工作坊等家庭经营项目,促进有组织的劳务输出,为该群体创造更多工作机会。   The document also mandates a long-term mechanism to prevent wage arrears from piling up, and calls for regular skills training campaigns for migrant workers. 文件还要求完善根治欠薪长效机制,呼吁定期开展农民工职业技能培训。   "Increasing the income of rural residents is key to agricultural work. Thankfully, the income growth has been good in recent years," said Zhu Weidong, deputy director of the Office of the Central Commission for Financial and Economic Affairs, at a news conference in Beijing on Sunday. 中央财经委员会办公室副主任祝卫东2月4日在北京召开的新闻发布会上表示,农民增收是“三农”工作的中心任务,近年来,农民增收总体态势是好的。   Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the per capita disposable income of rural residents reached 21,691 yuan ($3,015) in 2023, up 7.6 percent year-on-year in real terms after adjusting for inflation. 国家统计局的数据显示,2023年农村居民人均可支配收入达到21691元,实际增长7.6%。   "Helping the rural population manage their household businesses matters a lot.... We will make efforts to stabilize the income they earn when working away from their hometowns," he said. 祝卫东指出,搞好家庭经营仍然是农民增收的重头戏。他还表示,要致力于稳定农民外出务工收入。   "We will build up a long-term mechanism to prevent and fundamentally solve the problem of back pay and enhance skills training for migrant workers," he said. 祝卫东指出,要完善根治欠薪长效机制,加强农民工职业技能培训。   He added that the nation will expand social security benefits to cover more rural residents, tighten supervision to prevent illegal activities such as fraud or cash extraction in agriculture-related projects, and encourage farmers to rent out vacant properties or develop these properties cooperatively with others to increase their incomes. 他表示,国家将扩大农村社会保障范围,加强涉农资金项目监管,严厉查处套取、骗取资金等违法违规行为,鼓励以出租、合作开发等方式,盘活利用农村闲置宅基地、闲置房屋等资源资产,增加农民收入。   The document also emphasizes preventing rural residents from slipping back into poverty. 该文件还强调,要防止农民返贫。   Han Wenxiu, deputy director of the Office of the Central Commission for Financial and Economic Affairs, stated at the news conference that shaking off poverty is not a "once and for all" move, as people still face risks of slipping into poverty due to situations like layoffs, diseases, disasters or accidents. 中央财经委员会办公室副主任韩文秀在新闻发布会上指出,脱贫不是一劳永逸的,如果遇到结构性失业、疾病、灾害、事故等致贫因素和风险的话,返贫的风险也是存在的。   He said that the government will continue to carefully monitor people at risk of returning to poverty this year and provide policy or financial support to strengthen local industries or companies, which can, in turn, offer stable jobs to help people out of poverty. 他表示,今年政府会继续密切监测返贫致贫风险因素及其动态变化,强化产业和就业帮扶,通过提供稳定的就业岗位来帮助人们脱贫。   He added that more preferential policies on monetary, financial, land, and talent resources will be continuously given to some key areas, including counties, to help them achieve better lives. 他补充道,对(乡村振兴重点帮扶县、易地搬迁集中安置区等)重点地区,要进一步落实财政、金融、土地、人才等倾斜性支持政策,帮助他们创造美好生活。   英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮 审稿:齐磊、董静